Justin Michael was shot to death in his Grimes, Iowa, home while he and his then-fiance Angie Ver Huel slept in the same room on May 8, 2014. Michael's mother, who was in the house at the time of the incident, and Angie claimed that the shooter was dressed in all-black attire. The crime scene further suggested that robbery was not the driving force behind the killing.
Details uncovered during the investigation stunned the authorities. They discovered that Michael's fiance's ex-partner, David Moffitt, broke into their home that night and gunned down the victim after becoming jealous over the couple being engaged. Moffitt then tried to pin the murder on another man but was eventually found guilty and sentenced to life in prison without parole.
The brutal death of Justin Michael is set to feature on Oxygen's Dateline: Secrets Uncovered this Tuesday, May 2, at 7 pm ET. The synopsis for the upcoming episode titled The Shadow reads:
"The save the date cards had gone out; Angie Ver Huel went to sleep next to her fiancé, Justin Michael, with big dreams but woke up to a nightmare; someone was running from their bedroom and Justin was dead."A fatal shooting, misleading evidence, and other details from Justin Michael's murder in his home
1) Michael was shot four times in bed with rare bullets
Around 3.20 am on May 8, 2014, 30-year-old Justin Michael was gunned down in bed while sleeping in the same room as his fiance Angie Ver Huel, who managed to escape unharmed.
Angie made the 911 call moments later. Once first responders arrived at the scene, they found Michael dead and bleeding from four gunshot wounds caused by a rare kind of Russian-manufactured bullets which were found at the scene.
2) Two witnesses described Justin Michael's killer as a man dressed fully in black
Angie, Michael's fiancee, gave authorities a vague description of the gunman, noting that the individual was dressed all in black. Another witness, Michael's mother, Marie, who was visiting and present in the house at the time of the occurrence, provided a similar description of the shooter.
Michael's mother alleged that an individual dressed entirely in black entered her room and shone a "red laser" on her moments before exiting her room.
3) Angie was the first suspect before authorities started investigating her ex-lovers
Authorities initially suspected Justin Michael's fiance, Angie Ver Huel, who, while being present in the same room as the victim, escaped unharmed, had no blood on her, and acted without emotion after her fiance's death.
However, during the interrogation, she mentioned two ex-partners - Andy Wegner and David Moffitt - who might have been involved in Michael's shooting. Both men soon became primary suspects in the case.
4) David Moffitt was involved in a car accident not far from Michael's home that same night
Moffitt, who was once involved in a not-so-serious relationship with Angie for a few months the year before, was co-incidentally involved in a car accident on a dirt road just a few miles from the victim's home at 4 am shortly after the shooting occurred.
Strangely, he resided 20 miles from the locality and told authorities that he was out for a joyride during those odd hours.
5) Incriminating evidence was found at the house Moffitt shared with his friends
Reports state that statements from a weapons dealer and surveillance footage connected Moffitt to Justin Michael's death. Further evidence suggested that he was trying to pin the blame on Angie's other ex-boyfriend Andy Wegner, who had a solid alibi at the time of the murder and was ruled out as a suspect.
Moreover, authorities found notes at Moffitt's house, which revealed that he was stalking the victim in the weeks leading up to the murder. In 2015, David Moffitt was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Dateline: Secrets Uncovered will air with Justin Michael's murder case this Tuesday, May 2, on Oxygen.
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