Valorant released its Episode 6 Act 2 update on March 7, 2023, introducing a brand new Battlepass and a fresh Initiator Agent, along with a few quality-of-life upgrades.
Riot Games has always aimed towards maintaining a gaming ecosystem that is regularly refreshed with meta-changing upgrades and quality adjustments.
Valorant's seasonal Battlepass is one of the most effective tools in achieving this goal, as it helps the developers deliver engaging and innovative content to the game's global audience.
All Free and Premium rewards in Valorant Episode 6 Act 2 Battlepass
Valorant players can purchase the Episode 6 Act 2 Battlepass for 1000 VP (Valorant Points), which would cost roughly around $10 depending on the region.
Players also have the option to complete the Battlepass for free and earn a variety of free items, including weapon skins, gun buddies, player titles, Radianite Points, and more.
Free Track Highlights
- Episode 6 // 2 Coin Buddy
- Whaaat? Spray
- Tilde Shorty
Paid Track Highlights
- Tilde Knife
- Topotek Phantom
- Signature Guardian
- Huh? Spray
- Commander Bruno Card
Similar to previous Acts, the premium Battlepass in Episode 6 Act 2 offers players 50 different tiers of exclusive rewards, along with five additional tiers in the epilogue.
Listed below are all the free and premium rewards that players can earn from the ongoing Episode 6 Act 2 Battlepass.
Tier 1-5 rewards
- Signature Sheriff
- Desert Rose Buddy
- 10 Radianite Points
- Topotek Card
- Topotek Ghost
- Spycam Schema Card
- Slay Title
Tier 6-10 rewards
- Tug of War Spray
- Huh? Spray
- 10 Radianite Points
- Tilde Card
- Tilde Judge
- Episode 6 // 2 Coin Buddy
Tier 11-15 rewards
- Setting Records Card
- Signature Spray
- 10 Radianite Points
- Lucky Star Buddy
- Signature Stinger
- 10 Radianite Points
- Big Brain Title
Tier 16-20 rewards
- Topotek Bucky
- Boot Camp // So Much More Card
- Charging Station Spray
- 10 Radianite Points
- Signature Marshal
- Dolla Dolla Bill Y'all Spray
Tier 21-25 rewards
- We Made It Spray
- 10 Radianite Points
- Tilde Buddy
- Let's Go! Spray
- Tilde Operator
- Boot Camp // Two Mountains Card
- 10 Radianite Points
Tier 26-30 rewards
- Well Played Spray
- 10 Radianite Points
- Wanted Tactibear Spray
- Commander Bruno Card
- Topotek Odin
- Cat-eye Buddy
Tier 31-35 rewards
- Gentle Breeze Card
- 10 Radianite Points
- Topotek Buddy
- Bye OP Spray
- Tilde Bulldog
- 10 Radianite Points
- Ace Title
Tier 36-40 rewards
- Wide Swing Spray
- Extra Crispy Buddy
- Signature Card
- 10 Radianite Points
- Signature Guardian
- Whaaat? Spray
Tier 41-45 rewards
- 10 Radianite Points
- Brunch At Crown Card
- Scoop Of Smoke Spray
- Too Early For This Spray
- Topotek Phantom
- Egg In A Basket Buddy
Tier 46-50 rewards
- Omen Cat Dance Spray
- Bounce House Buddy
- Boot Camp // Stealth Module Card
- 10 Radianite Points
- Tilde Knife
- Tilde Shorty
- Pixel Moments Card
Epilogue rewards
- Epilogue: Lucky Star Buddy
- 10 Radianite Points
- 10 Radianite Points
- 10 Radianite Points
- Epilogue: Settings Record Card
Valorant's Episode 6 Act 2 Battlepass will be available for a total of 48 days upon release. Players will have time until April 25, 2023, to progress through the 55 tiers of the Battlepass and reap its rewards.
Episode 6 Act 3, the final Act of Valorant's Episode 6: Revelation, will replace the ongoing Act a few hours after it concludes.
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