Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War episode 9 left fans bewildered as the anime finally revealed the original identity of Retsu Unohana. She was the first Kenpachi and was called Yachiru Unohana before she changed her identity. Given the number of war assets left with the Soul Society, it was necessary that Zaraki Kenpachi became stronger, the only one who could train him being the first Kenpachi herself.
The previous episode saw Squad 0 dropping into the Seireitei after the Quincy fled back to the Wandenreich empire. They had come to fetch Ichigo, Rukia, Renji, and Byakuya, all of whom were set to be taken to the Soul King Palace for recovery and training. The anime also gave fans a glimpse of a fan-favorite character Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War episode 9: Yachiru Unohana fights Zaraki Kenpachi to train him in Zanjitsu
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War episode 9, titled The Drop, opens with Shunsui Kyoraku getting the news of his promotion as he seems notably upset. Elsewhere, Ichigo and Renji get healed by the White Bone Hell, as Kirinji hits them both to check their physical conditions.
Fortunately for them, they passed his test, however, Ichigo left an impression on Kirinji as he managed to deal some damage to the Squad 0 member as well.
Ichigo and Renji then got launched to the Gatonden, during which they found out that Kon was with them. The Gatonden was where Kirio Hikifune resided as they treated the two of them to a nice meal.
As they were having their meal, Ichigo began wondering if what they were doing was beneficial for them. Renji reassured him that the only way for them to get stronger was to fully heal first. Kirio Hikifune agreed as she revealed her slender self. Apparently, when she cooks a meal, she loses a lot of Spiritual Pressure, which causes her to lose weight.
Before Hikifune launched them to Ōetsu Nimaiya's place, she warned them about their next step as Nimaiya was the person responsible for creating the Zanpakuto, thus Ichigo and Renji could be set to face a huge ordeal.
Back at the Soul Society, Shunsui Kyoraku was promoted to the Captain-Commander position, soon after which he demanded that two Lieutenants be assigned under him. After he convinced the Central 46 about the same, his first task as the Squad 1 captain was to get Zaraki Kenpachi trained in Zanjitsu.
While the Central 46 were terrified of the possibility of Zaraki Kenpachi getting even stronger, they had no choice but to accept the proposal given their lack of firepower. He assigned the first Kenpachi, who was none other than Retsu Unohana, to train Zaraki Kenpachi. Her original name was Yachiru Unohana, which she changed after she was defeated by a young Zaraki Kenpachi.
Later, Zaraki Kenpachi met up with Yachiru Unohana in the Muken in the Central Underground prison of the Seireitei. Here, Yachiru revealed the scar Zaraki gave her when she was a child, and Zaraki in turn revealed that the scar on his face was given to him by Yachiru herself.
The two start fighting and the battle seemed deadly from the very beginning. Yachiru instantly dominated the fight as she left Zaraki Kenpachi feeling that he would never be able to defeat the person he admired so much. However, it seems like it was just a vision that Yachiru stabbed Zaraki as the battle continued.
Final thoughts on Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War episode 9
Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War episode 9 saw Yachiru Unohana's identity being brought to light as she started fighting Zaraki Kenpachi in hopes of getting him trained in Zanjitsu. The next episode will resume their battle and fans could possibly see a conclusion for the same.
As for Ichigo and Renji, they are set to meet Ōetsu Nimaiya, the man who created the Zanpakuto. Thus, there is a huge chance that the duo is set to face a massive ordeal. Most likely, we might see Ichigo getting his Zanpakuto remodeled in the Soul King Palace.
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